
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

I'm a night owl

The best time in the day is when the night falls on the city because it is all quite quiet and relaxing. First thing I do when this happens is to talk with my boyfriend via whatsapp to ask him how was his day, while I eat because night awakes my hunger. Then after all this I take my time to study and do homework and I take a lot doing this, so after that I go to play videogames on my living room to relax. At the end, before I go to bet, I like writing because it's something I enjoy doing, and when I feel and show to be tired, I put all away and I go to sleep. I'm a night person because I enjoy doing so many things in the quiet and relaxing night. It is something that I love.

In this paragraph I learned the method of brainstorming. It was the first paragraph I wrote and it helped me to realize how much I love the night. It wasn't difficult for me to write it but I had many grammar mistakes that I corrected then.

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