
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Pingu's Family Christmas

There was Christmas time in the arctic pol and a family of four penguins were prepared to celebrate. They were preparing the things for the Holly Night. Mom penguin was baking cookies while her little penguin sons were playing an interactive game. The two little penguins stopped playing, and decided to help their mother with the cookies. They painted them and their mother put them in the oven. When the cookies were ready their mother took them, but at first she realized that they were too hot and she put on a pair of gloves to not burn her hands. After that moment father penguin arrived home and the two little penguins went to see him, he had a present in his hands and his sons wanted to open it but he told them that they had to wait until night. Then he went to see mother penguin in the kitchen and saw the cookies but she didn't let him to touch or eat one and told him to buy a christmas tree. Father penguin took his two sons and went to a place for a tree, when they arrived the youngest son saw a very big tree and the older a ver little one, but their father selected a medium one that was perfect and he bought it. When they arrived home mother penguin came out with christmas decoration and the little penguins were too excited, but when she was taking them to the tree she fell down and father penguin got angry with her, because she dropped the things. After that they started to argue about and their sons started to cry, but when they saw them stopped for their happiness. When the fight stopped the little penguins entered the house and prepared presents for their parents while they decorated the tree, and then when they went to put them under the tree they were surprised because of the amount of presents that were there. The family started to open the presents, they were very happy with each present that nothing could bring down their happiness, so they started to sing Christmas carols.


Writing this paragraph was a new experience for me, because before I never had the oportunity to create a narration by looking a video previously and it's very useful because it contributed in my creativity and also the use of more vocabulary.

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