
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

General Reflection

In my opinion, this subject was very useful to increase my knowledge about how to write correctly and to know some things that I ignored in the past like the steps to follow to write a better paragraph as brainstormin. It is always good to learn new things and I did it during the time I took this subject, specially in the area of vocabulary and rules of writing that are very necessary to develop texts correctly and in a fluent way.

I really enjoyed writing each text, because the topics were interesting and motivate and gave me many ideas for writing them, in general, I think that the best way for developing a paragraph is by being inspired in topics of general interest or preference to the person that is going to write. 

In terms of my personal progress although I learned things that I didn't know, I think that I still need to learn more to be better, that is my goal until I finish my career and after that too. It is always best to keep learning and not being stuck in one point of something.

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